
24 Apr

Today we talked about how we can make a difference in our community or world.  Share your sentence and comment on a friend's sentence.  


  1. We can make a difference in our world or community by volunteering at a soup kitchen, or collecting old cell phones.

  1. We can make a difference in our world or community by keeping our tablas clen.

  1. We can make a difference in our world or community by cleaning the trash in the store pote the trash in the trash cane.

  1. We can make a difference in our world or community by planting trees.

  1. we can make a difference in our world or community by telling funny jokes.

  1. We can make a difference in our world or community by keeping the word clean.

  1. We can make a difference in our world or community by not wasting food because people don't have food.

  1. we can make a difference in our world or community by plcking up trash.

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