
9 Apr

Today we compared and contrasted two characters, the lion and the mouse.
Share your writing you worked on today.  
Use the language stem, "I agree with ____ because ____" to comment on a friend's post.  
You may also give feedback about periods and capitals.  


  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they are both curious.

  1. the lion and the mouse are the same because they are both anam

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they are both from kenya.

  1. the lion and the mouse are the same because they are both a animal. the lion was being gentle and the mouse was beig nice.

  1. i like angel comment because she had perits.

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they are both animals.

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they both where cereeres.

  1. I like Olivers sentence because he has a periods capitals letter and a good sentence.

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they both live in kenya.

  1. i like gavins comment

  1. I like Gavins comment because I like his picher.

  1. I like Olivias sentence because she has a period and a good sentence.

  1. The lion and the mouse are different because they look different.

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they live in the same place and they are both animals.

  1. I agree with Oliver because the lion was curious was when he saw the mouse. The mouse was also curious when he heard the lion road. Good job using a period and capital letter, Oliver!

  1. Angel, I like how you put a capital O for Olivia's name. Good thinking!

  1. I agree with Xavier because both the lion and the mouse live in Kenya.

  1. i like Olivia because she had a perid at the end

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they were nice to each other

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they are both anamrls

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they helped each other. and they bothe live in kenya.

  1. I like haw marley said the lion and the mouse are the same because they where Nice to you each other

  1. the lion and the mouse are different because they are big and smell.

  1. The lion and the mouse are different because the lion biger then the mouse and the mouse has shortrurtr fur then the lion and the mouse had babeds and the lion dit.

  1. the lion and the mouse are the same because they are brave and nice.

  1. the lion and the mouse are the same because thay are nice.

  1. mason shod ad a periods an capitals.

  1. the lion and the mouse are the same because the lion and the mouse have tails.

  1. Marleys I like your capitals at the beginning but next time put a period at the end.

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because the lion is berav.

  1. The lion and the mouse anamols.

  1. I like Mayas comment.

  1. I like Angels comment because she has capitals letter and a good sentence.

  1. The lion and the mouse are same because They both are ceres .

  1. The lion and the mouse are different because the lion is scaerd.

  1. The lion and the mouse are the same because they help each other .

  1. i like ms. finman comment because ms. finman had capitals lader .

  1. I like Madisons comment because she has a good sentence and she has a periods.

  1. I like Jozies sentence because she had capitl lader.

  1. I like Marleys because she has a good sentence. Next time you should use a period.

  1. I like the book The Lion and The Mouse because they were both brave
    I Love That Book!!! :)

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