
16 Apr

Today we watched this video: click here
We read the book, "Respecting Others" and wrote about what the author was trying to teach us.
Share your sentence in the comments section.



  1. The author is trying to teach us respect because you can be very happy and other people can be happy to!

  1. The author is trying to teach respect because it is not fun being meen.

  1. The author is trying to tech us respect . because he wand us to have fun.

  1. The author is trying to teach respect others . because you will have fun and have frends.

  1. The author is trying to teach how to not kikce or ponch because it will hurt.

  1. The author is trying to teach as to not boley it is nice to play with nice peple because if they are men to you wac oway

  1. I agree with Jozies because Jozie is rite when theirs no bullying its fun!

  1. I agree with Kamea because when you are respectful at recess it is so much more fun! When people are not respectful, it is not fun.

  1. I like how the sentences above all have a capital letter and period. Good job!

  1. The author is trying to help others because so people stop bullying.

  1. The author is trying to teaching you to respect people because they sher.

  1. The author is
    trying to tech resct because weir ned tow be naes to uchrpepol

  1. the author is trying to tech recpod because it is good to shar

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