
29 Apr

Today we explored more with fractions.  Share what you have learned about fractions and what you would like to learn.  

25 Apr

Today we wrote a friendly letter to Michael.  Share one of your sentences to wrote to him and comment on a friend's sentence. 

24 Apr

Today we talked about how we can make a difference in our community or world.  Share your sentence and comment on a friend's sentence.  

23 Apr

Today we read Wangari's Trees of Peace.  We read about her winning the Nobel Peace Prize and watched a video.  We talked about how she made a difference in her community.  Share your writing from today about how you help your community and why it is important.  

22 Apr

Today we reread two books: The Lion and the Mouse and Mama Panya's Pancakes. We talked about which book we thought was the best by using evidence. 
Share how your family shows harambee.
Don't forget to comment on a friend's sentence! 

21 Apr

Today we practiced adding two different amounts of money.  Share your story and how you got your answer.  

21 Apr

Today we learned about Kenya.  We read about it here: Kenya. We watched videos about Kenya here: Kenya You Tube Videos.  Then we read the book, Mama Panya's Pancakes.  Share how one character showed harambee.  Then write about one thing you learned about Kenya. 

18 Apr

Today we wrote a friendly letter to Joselin.
Share one sentence you wrote to her.  Then use the sentence frame: I agree with _________ because ___________________________________.

16 Apr

Today we watched this video: click here
We read the book, "Respecting Others" and wrote about what the author was trying to teach us.
Share your sentence in the comments section.


14 Apr

Today we had to think very hard about a time we changed our opinion because of another person.  Share your writing and then add a comment. 

I changed my opinion about ____because____.
I agree with _______ because_____________.

11 Apr

Share one sentence from your friendly letter to Oliver. Then, use the sentence, "I agree with ____ because _____________." 

9 Apr

Click here to order online!  Use the code J3B4J
For extra credit dojo points, write about your wish list.  What books do you wish you could order?  

9 Apr

Today we compared and contrasted two characters, the lion and the mouse.
Share your writing you worked on today.  
Use the language stem, "I agree with ____ because ____" to comment on a friend's post.  
You may also give feedback about periods and capitals.  

8 Apr

Today we read The Lion and the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney.  We learned about animals in communities.  Who was your favorite character and why?