I can't wait to meet all the new first graders!
It has been a very busy summer. I went to North Carolina to visit my best friend. My favorite part of the trip was canoeing. We didn't really know how to do it when we got in the canoe. But with a little effort and problem solving we went all over Salem Lake in Winston-Salem.
While In North Carolina, I thought I would experiment with my hair. I LOVED the turquoise color! And I loved cutting about 8 inches off!!
From Winston-Salem, I drove up to Williamsburg, Virginia to see my grandparents. While we were there, they took me on a "mini" tour of Colonial Williamsburg (I have been many times). I was shocked to discover my Uncle Bill LIVES in Colonial Williamsburg! He works for them, so he gets to live on the property. This is a picture of the house he lives in. It was originally the cook's house. At that time in history, kitchens were known for large fires that could bring down a whole house. So they separated the master house from the cooks house. He said it gets very cold in the winter. But he likes living there. You can walk right around the corner and suddenly you bump into somone dressed from that time period! He often gets goats and cows that wander through his yard. And tourists who think his house is part of the tour.
Here in Denver, I went to Comedy Works to see my favorite comedian, Bobby Lee. I was so thrilled to have my picture taken with him. He noticed the shirt I was wearing and said, "Namaste". Very funny guy. I hope I get to see him again.
My boyfriend, Eric, my dad and step mom all went to the July 4th Rockies game. Although the Rockies lost we still had fun munching away at peanuts, sunflower seeds and of course watching FIREWORKS!
After returning from Florida it was back to work! Literacy teachers went to a week long training in July. I gained a lot of valuable skills, ideas, books and advice to help me even more in my teaching practice.
Eric and I also took a trip to Florida (our first plane ride together), where I met his step-mom, dad, half brother and half sister. We watched their big fancy house while they went out of town. I spent most of the time in the pool, while Eric worked. I fell in love with their cat, Cesar and their dog Pepper.
I spent a lot of time creating art work and participating in Trading Cards. Jerry Simpson is "the man" of trading cards in Denver. I was able to submit artwork to the Denver County Fair and volunteer at his booth. I had a wonderful time! Can't wait to do it again next year!!
Currently, I am dog sitting for my parents. Hadley and Smokey keep me alert! They are very playful and love barking at motorcycles. I've been trying to teach Hadley how to "play dead". We are getting closer every time!
I've spent a few days at Dora Moore this week. I am "weeding" out all the things that I don't need. It is a long, hot, dusty process! I can't wait to see everyone for the Popsicle Social. Thursday, August 21st from 2:00 – 3:30pm Bring in your school supplies! If you have any questions about school supplies, please send me an email : sarah_feinman@dpsk12.org.
If you would like to meet with me privately before school starts, please contact me. You can also reach me on my home phone at 303.362.1488.
Please help your child respond in the comments section (first names only). I would love to hear about what you did over the summer!
Students will be using this blog A LOT. Check back often!!
October 17, 2014 at 9:40 AM
i hope you play with me my frind how are you mos Disneps blue black ou cad you