(This was sent as an email to all families that have an email on file. If you did not get this, let me know so I can add your email to my list)
Dear Families,
Thank you very much to those of you that attended the Popsicle meet and greet. It was wonderful to meet you all. I cannot wait to begin this year!
On Monday, please bring your child to the back of the building near the playground around 8 or a little before. I will be holding a large yellow sign saying, "Ms. Feinman 1st Grade, Room 116". I will be bringing students inside at 8:05.
This is the first year that we will be having breakfast in the classroom (it is optional, not required). However, it is still part of the instructional day, so your child will have to be there.
When we walk into the building, I will have students find their name on a hook outside our room. They will hang up their backpack and school supplies. We will enter the classroom and students will eat breakfast (if they want to). There will be books on tables for students to read and look through. I will be taking attendance and finding out how everyone is getting home. I already have one volunteer who offered to help during breakfast (thank you!). If you would like to stay until breakfast is over (8:30) to help students clean up and or read with them, that would be greatly appreciated.
At 8:30, I will then be sharing a book about a special student who will be joining our class. You may want to stick around for that as well. If not, information will be sent home about this student on Monday.
A few reminders:
-If you have not brought in school supplies, please do so. The list can be found on our classroom website http://feinmandoramoore.blogspot.com
-I request that you write your child's name on their crayons, markers, white glue, plastic folders, hightlighters and scissors. I have plenty of permanent markers if you want to do this in the hall.
-If you pick up your child, they will be taken to the back of the school at 3pm.
-PLEASE GO THROUGH YOUR CHILD'S FOLDER MONDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There will be a lot of information. If you have not filled out registration paperwork, you must do this and return it Tuesday. One of the papers going home will be about http://www.classroomdojo.com. I use this as my behavior system. You can check your child's behavior online daily once you have used the code I will be sending home.
A copy of our schedule will also go home on Monday.
Another paper I will be sending home is a questionnaire about your family's culture, traditions and celebrations. We are such a diverse school and I always want students to learn from each other. I would love to know where your child was born, and where YOU were born. We have one family from India and I am so excited for the students to learn a few Hindi words! :D If you would like to send me pictures of traditions and celebrations, please do so (especially around the holidays). Last year, I discovered a Bulgarian holiday I never knew before called Baba Marta.
Much of this information will be posted on our website. For reassurance, I never use last names. I encourage you to go to our website and help your child make a comment on this post: http://feinmandoramoore.blogspot.com/2014/08/welcome-back-to-school.html. You can also look through the website to see how students have used it in the past.
If you would like to call me tomorrow you may do so anytime before 9pm.
cell phone: 336-577-0315
home phone: 303-362-1488
Have a wonderful Sunday! I am looking forward to talking to familiar students and meeting new ones! It is going to be a wonderful year!
Thank you for all the supporting your child's education.
Ms. Feinman
1st Grade