I hope you've heard your child talk about using GoNoodle.com in our classroom. We use this free website of interactive videos to help us get the wiggles out, focus, dance, stretch, practice mindfulness, and much more!
This summer, GoNoodle is launching a free summer program called Camp GoNoodle that helps kids stay active, use their imaginations, and explore their world. Each week in July, there will be a set of adventures to complete, two Camp GoNoodle songs to learn, and a badge to earn!
Once you join (totally free), you'll receive an email when the new weekly adventure has arrived. Your child can go to GoNoodle.come to check it out on their own, or you can do the adventures together as a family. Our class loves GoNoodle at school, and I know Camp GoNoodle will be a big hit over the summer too!
Make sure to sign up for GoNoodle at home!! Click on the picture below!