
10 Apr

Share one sentence from your letter to Jaime.  Then comment on another student's sentence.  


  1. do you like bonoas

  1. I like how you are so silly

  1. do you hava a brother ro sister

  1. you are my friend do you like boat? do you like boat games? we going to
    play boat? games your Friend,

  1. you are nice

  1. you are my friend

  1. i wesh i can play do you wot to cum to my brthtay today i will go toyours

  1. What is it like to live in Mexico?

  1. Did you have a good Easter?

  1. What is your favorite color? Blue or red?

  1. Do you want to go to the movies?

  1. I like your shirt jaime

  1. You are a good friend.

  1. I want a play date with you.

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