
14 Nov

Write one sentence from your welcome letter to DeShaud! 


  1. you are rele rele nis

  1. Welcome to Dora Moore. I like to read.

  1. Do you have a little baby? What kind of movies do you like?

  1. I hope you have a good at Dora moore school.

  1. welcome to Dora moore

  1. What do you want to be called

  1. What is your favorite food?

  1. I had to ask you what do you want me to call you.Welcome to Dora Moore school.Thank you for getting me pizza.

  1. Are you frustrated with this school? yes or no?

  1. I like Oliver's comment because I wonder if he is frustrated too. It must be hard to start working at a new school, in a new city, in a new state and after school has started for the year.

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