
21 Nov

Write one sentence from your friendly letter to Oliver.  

18 Nov

This packet is optional!!!!  
It will be sent home tomorrow, and due after the Thanksgiving break. Click here for a copy. 

I hope you and your family have a restful week.  Happy Thanksgiving to those of you that celebrate it! 
This packet is NOT required.  However, if student complete it, they will get extra credit points on dojo.  It will also give them some extra practice.
The Reading Log WILL BE DUE on December 1st. I copied it front and back for plenty of room! 

Thank you for your support in your child’s education!

17 Nov

Click here for the homework

16 Nov

11-17-14 Spelling Words Other/Mixed Sarah Feinman Moore Elementary School Denver CO

16 Nov

Challenge words for 11-17-14 Other/Mixed Sarah Feinman Moore Elementary School Denver CO

14 Nov

Write one sentence from your welcome letter to DeShaud! 

7 Nov

Share one sentence from your letter to Adan.  

6 Nov

We have been working on character analysis. 


We are working on analyzing characters to better understand what we have read.

Share a character trait about Arthur that you wrote.

Use these sentence stem to comment on a friends sentence:

I agree with ____________because_____________.

I disagree with ______________because_________.