
22 May

Today we wrote a friendly letter to Mr. Kocher.  We are very sad that he will be going to different school.  We are going to miss him a lot.  


  1. you are nice.

  1. I licke win you sae.

  1. You are nice.

  1. I really like how you talk calmly to us.

  1. You are nice.

  1. am going to miss you grt assistant princi

  1. You are funny.I agree with angel

  1. what will you do in the summer,

  1. I like you as a assistan principal.

  1. I hope you have fun in the future.

  1. I like you because play with me sometimes.

  1. I no you love to go fishing.

  1. i wihs you kan sa.

  1. i like your shows.

  1. I agree with j because she write good.

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