
31 Jan

Ms. Franklin showing my students the Chokey!!

30 Jan

We have been given a challenge!!!  Mrs. Franklin (1st grade teacher and Box Tops Coordinator) has challenged every student to bring in 10 box tops!  If your child brings in ten box tops, a prize is awarded!  

In my class, each box top that is brought in gives them a sticker for their sticker sheet (10 box tops = 10 stickers)! Make sure you send them to the classroom-NOT THE OFFICE!!!

Our school is barely a third of the way to our goal.  PLEASE hunt down those box tops!  Ask family members, friends and neighbors!!  

If our class gets the most (which we did last time!), we get a pizza party!

30 Jan

Today we wrote a friendly letter to Leander!  

Share some sentences from your letter in the comments.

You can also comment on other student's comments!!!  Give them feedback!!!!

30 Jan

Dear Families,
We will be having a Valentine’s Day Party on Friday, February 13th.  If you do not want your child to participate, please let me know and I will make other arrangements for them.  It will be from 1:00-2:00pm.  Due to allergies and other situations, PLEASE DO NOT bring food!!!  Candy is perfectly acceptable (with NO PEANUTS!). Students will not be allowed to eat the candy at school.  I would like students to make Valentine’s at home for each student in the class.  A valentine HAS to be made for EVERY student (don’t forget about Ms. Kavor!) They DO NOT have to be store bought.  Some of the best Valentine’s I’ve seen over the years have been hand made by students. It is crucial that YOUR child write the names- it is excellent handwriting practice! We will be decorating boxes on Thursday(12th 1:00-2:00) afternoon and Friday morning (13th 10:00-11:00).  If you would like to volunteer, please come let me know!  Any help will be greatly appreciated. Any donations for decorations will be greatly appreciated as well (our classroom budgets were eliminated this year- so I do not have the funds to buy materials).  Examples: stickers, stamps, stationary to be cut, paper to be cut, special scissors, confetti, felt, glitter glue…the list could go on forever.  Be creative! I have several shoe boxes for students to decorate, but if you have any to donate, please do so.



29 Jan

Today we wrote a friendly letter to Izaya.

Share who you gave feedback to and what they did well with.  

20 Jan

Ms. Feinman was so bummed when she came in this morning to see that all eight goldfish died!!  

The students researched what we can do better, if we get another goldfish.  

Students: Share your sentence in the comments! 

17 Jan

Ms. Feinman was Karma's first grade teacher.  We blogged about a lot of things that year.  And now she has her own blog!!!  You have to check it out and leave comments!  She is brilliant with this blog!

Exciting things in the future: Our new viewers of "Exciting Things in the future"...: Hi guys! no pictures on this post but we have new viewers to my blog! Ms Fienman (my 1st grade teacher) and Ms Pipinger! we call her Ms Pip ...

17 Jan

16 Jan

Share how you helped someone with their letter:

I gave feedback to ________. ________ did well with _________.