
31 Oct

Share one sentence from your friendly letter to Noah.  

28 Oct

We have started to work on personal narratives (or as we call them, Small Moments)!  We have been using a graphic organizer to plan our stories.  

Write your story in the comments section.  

27 Oct

This letter will be going home tomorrow.  Please return the bottom portion by Thursday.  

Thank you!

26 Oct

With Dia de los Muertos just around the corner, students have been learning about the famous artist Diego Rivera.  

We have been using a biography about him to study characters.  Sam Thornham (Dora Moore's famous story teller) came to our class to share a print he has of Diego's work.  While telling a story to our class one day, he noticed the book I planned on using.  We decided it was a great opportunity to connect a character in a book to something the students could see from Sam.  

(Sam reading the description on the back of the print.)

 (Sam and his "ghost" balloon.  Ask your student about how the "ghost" was really just science!)
(Same showing the students the print.)

The students learned that Diego loved to paint what he saw, whether it was good or bad.  He became a famous artist because he practiced and never gave up, even when people didn't agree with his beliefs.  


26 Oct

24 Oct

Share one sentence from your friendly letter to Bryan. 

Remember to use capitals and periods!

20 Oct

20 Oct

17 Oct

Today we wrote a friendly letter to Allison.  '

Share one sentence from your letter. 

16 Oct

Our long time secretary, Mrs. Carol is retiring!  

Share one sentence from your Friendly Letter.

13 Oct

Happy Monday!  Many students have been going home telling parents they did not get homework.  I can assure you, your student will ALWAYS have homework!  

The white packet is sent home on Mondays and due on Fridays.
Click here for this week's HW.

The pink Reading Log is sent home on Monday's and due the following Monday (or the next day back at school.) All students are expected to read for 20 minutes every night (including Saturday and Sunday).  I am only getting seven turned in on a regular basis. 
Click here for this week's Reading Log.  

If your child loses homework, check this blog for copies, or come see me.  

10 Oct

Share one sentence you wrote in your letter to Frida.  You can also write give feedback to a friend in the comments section.  

5 Oct

Dear Families,

Go Broncos!  Hope you have had a nice weekend!
On Wednesday, I will be introducing analog clocks, as well as talking about digital clocks.  If your family has a clock or watch, that you don't mind being brought to school- I would love for students to share them.  It would be neat for them to see different clocks from different homes.  I teach math on Wednesday at 12:15- so if you wanted to bring it in yourself at that time, that would be great too!  :)  On Thursday, I am teaching telling time to the you can also bring something in then as well. 

On Friday, student will be exploring with straightedges (rulers, or measuring tape) and dominoes.  If you have anything your child could bring for that, that would be great as well.  Students perform better when instruction is tied directly to their life.

Thank you so much for your support!  

Ms. Feinman

3 Oct

Today we wrote a friendly letter to Kelsey!  This is the first time the students have used the blog. Please leave feedback for them!!