
19 Sep

We reached level 5 with Freckles!  Transitioning between subjects and activities we often do these "brain breaks" for 1-3 minutes.  The students love it and it gets the wiggles out!

Now we are working on getting to Level 5 with Squatchy!

18 Sep

The students recently went outside to explore the weather.  They were asked to write down some words and/or draw pictures to describe the weather.  These students went above and beyond by making sentences and asking for more cards!  Way to go!

14 Sep

Lately, our class has been taking mini brain breaks to help us focus and stay motivated.

We have started using

Here are some pictures of us deep breathing:

14 Sep

Yay Jaden!

7 Sep

7 Sep

7 Sep

7 Sep

Here is the homework calendar.  I will upload the homework packet on Monday!

7 Sep

Sight words are just one of the building blocks of reading.  The highlighted words below are words we have reviewed last week and this week.  I expect every student to know how to read and spell these kindergarten words by the middle of October! If you feel like your child needs harder sight words to practice, you can find them here: Dolch Sight Word Lists

Here is an I Spy Game you can play at home with your child: 

1 Sep

This is the Homework Calendar for the week of 9-2-14.

We have added spelling.  Please check your child's homework folder for this packet.  It is due on Friday.

Please make sure you are reading with your child 20 minutes every night!!!

1 Sep

Some of our homework will include spelling activities.  This website is not required, but many students love using it to learn how to spell their words!

For Spelling Activites:

Sarah Feinman Moore Elementary School