
12 Dec

We have been working on Unit 4 Everyday Mathematics. The main areas of focus are: measure and compare lengths using nonstandard and standard units, review telling time on the hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour and practicing addition facts. 

Here are some students measuring each other with tape measures:

 Click here for online games students can use to practice measuring!

Telling Time:
 Websites to help your child tell time (games and articles):

Interested in apps instead?  click here

11 Dec

This is what our class is using to plan our small moments.  Feel free to use it at home to help your child write even better stories!

11 Dec

This permission slip will be sent home today.  Please return it as soon as possible!!!

11 Dec

In the comments section practice typing your words:






For a bonus, write sentences using your spelling words!

9 Dec

Click the HW planner for a larger version.

Click her for 4.5 and 4.6 Math Homework

Click here for Spelling Words

Click the Menu and it will take you to all the months! 

9 Dec

Click the newsletter for a larger version.

7 Dec

Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information
Class Activation Code: J3B4J

Dear Parents,

Please remember to send in your Book Club orders today or place them online by this evening!  Tomorrow morning I will be placing the order!!!!!!!!!!

You can view this month's selections and submit your order online, or you can return the printed order form with payment directly to me.

It's always a special moment to see an entire classroom bursting with excitement to open the book box, so place your orders soon!
Ms. Feinman
P.S. When you place your order online, you'll help earn FREE Books for our class and you also get a $5 FREE Book Pick Coupon to use on your next online order!

Ordering online is fast and easy:
  •  REGISTER at
  •  ENTER the Class Activation Code at the top of this letter
  •  CHOOSE from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks
  •  SUBMIT the order to your child's teacher
  •  EARN FREE Books for you and the classroom too!

6 Dec

If you need a ruler for the homework this week or next week, then please click this link.