
30 Nov

In first grade, we are using sight words as our spelling words.  These are words that appear most often in reading and writing. 

Here are files that you can download to use use at home:
First 100 Words
Second 100 Link
 Third 100 Words
Fourth 100 Words
Fifth 100 Words

And you can use this link for great ideas to help your child learn these words:

30 Nov

Click here for the Homework Calendar

Click here for all of Unit 4 Math Homework

30 Nov

Each week, students are given 5 spelling words.  They are expected to choose an activity from the Spelling Menu every night.  Their work should be turned in on Friday.  

Speller's Choice Menu- Scroll for December

This week's spelling words:
1. many
2. then
3. them
4. these
5. so

Go to Spelling City for fun games!  Search for "Feinman" and you will find this week's words.  

Other fun spelling activities your child can do: 

1.           Write your spelling words in alphabetical order.
2.         Write your spelling words in crayon or pen. Write each consonant letter in red and each vowel in blue.
3.         Print each word.  Next to it, write the word in cursive.
4.         Make a set of flashcards for studying your words.  Bring the flashcards into school. 
    5.         Write each spelling word three times.
6.         Write each spelling word in a rainbow of colors.  First, write the words with a red crayon. Trace over the words with a blue crayon. Finally, trace the words again with a green crayon.
7.    Write your spelling words as fractions based on the number of vowels and consonants in each word.
8.      Write your words with all the letters scrambled up. Then ask a parent or sibling to unscramble the words in your notebook. Correct that person’s work.
9.    Write each spelling word.  Next to each word, write two additional words of at least three letters that can be spelled using the letters in the word.  Example: the word pickle can be used to make the words lick, pick, like, and lip.
10.    Use each spelling word in a sentence.
11.    Write your spelling words on cards (make two sets) and play "Memory Match" with them against a sibling or parent.  (Get a parent signature in your notebook.)
20.  Use a thesaurus to write a synonym for each word.
21.  Make and complete a word search using
23.  Write a letter to a friend/relative, in proper letter format, using at least 10 of the spelling words. Underline each word.
24.   Cut out letters from headlines or ads in newspapers or magazines. Use the letters to spell words.

30 Nov

30 Nov

Thank you very much to the generous family that donated money so our class could have a listening center!!!

29 Nov

Mrs. Turner came to our class today and read the book Enemy Pie.  The class talked about bullying.  Write about what you learned about bullying.  OR write about what YOU can do if someone is bullying you or you see someone bullying you.


29 Nov

Each week, students are given 5 spelling words.  They are expected to choose an activity from the Spelling Menu every night.  Their work should be turned in on Friday.  

This week's spelling words:
1. will
2. up
3. about
4. out
5. other

Go to Spelling City for fun games!  Search for "Feinman" and you will find this week's words.  

Other fun spelling activities your child can do: 

1.           Write your spelling words in alphabetical order.
2.         Write your spelling words in crayon or pen. Write each consonant letter in red and each vowel in blue.
3.         Print each word.  Next to it, write the word in cursive.
4.         Make a set of flashcards for studying your words.  Bring the flashcards into school. 
    5.         Write each spelling word three times.
6.         Write each spelling word in a rainbow of colors.  First, write the words with a red crayon. Trace over the words with a blue crayon. Finally, trace the words again with a green crayon.
7.    Write your spelling words as fractions based on the number of vowels and consonants in each word.
8.      Write your words with all the letters scrambled up. Then ask a parent or sibling to unscramble the words in your notebook. Correct that person’s work.
9.    Write each spelling word.  Next to each word, write two additional words of at least three letters that can be spelled using the letters in the word.  Example: the word pickle can be used to make the words lick, pick, like, and lip.
10.    Use each spelling word in a sentence.
11.    Write your spelling words on cards (make two sets) and play "Memory Match" with them against a sibling or parent.  (Get a parent signature in your notebook.)
20.  Use a thesaurus to write a synonym for each word.
21.  Make and complete a word search using
23.  Write a letter to a friend/relative, in proper letter format, using at least 10 of the spelling words. Underline each word.
24.   Cut out letters from headlines or ads in newspapers or magazines. Use the letters to spell words.

29 Nov

29 Nov

Click here for the homework calendar

Click here for the Unit 3 Math Homework
This week students should complete 3.13, 3.14.  Families should read the Family Letter for Unit 4, which will begin next week.
On Friday, we will take the Unit 3 test.

12 Nov

Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

12 Nov

12 Nov

8 Nov

The students recently read Mama Panya's Pancakes.  They learned that the African word "Harambee" (HA-RAH-BAY) means "pulling together".

Students: Write about an example of Harambee either from the book, or your own life.
Parents: Write about an example of Harambee from your own life. 
Teachers: Write about an example of Harambee from your work life! 
Click on Comments, Write your comment, Click on Select Profile and then Choose Name/URL.  (Students, do not write your last name!)

8 Nov

6 Nov

6 Nov

Write about what you learned about The Voting Process today.

4 Nov

4 Nov

4 Nov

4 Nov

4 Nov

4 Nov

Last year, Ms. Feinman's 1st and 2nd graders submitted poetry to the DPS Elementary Poetry.  Ms. Feinman is anxiously waiting to see if her students made it in the book!!! 

Link to the DPS Elementary Poetry Page