
30 Aug

Our class is in desperate need of paper towels, masking tape, packaging tape and old magazines.  If you are able, please send some of these items to school with your child!  Thank you!

30 Aug

Thank you to all the families that came out for back to school night!
I saw Trevor, Camden, Violet, Loren, Ella, Karma, Matthew, Jaiden and Beatrix's families!!

The parents had a great time trying to guess which work belonged to their child!  I can't wait to read the notes from parents tomorrow during class.  The students are going to love it!

28 Aug

Daily Schedule for Room 116 Ms. Feinman
1st Grade

8:10-Arrival to School

8:15-8:30- Morning Meeting- Attendance, Pledge, lunch count

8:30-9:30- Writing Mini Lesson and Writer’s Workshop

9:30-9:45-Reading Mini Lesson

9:45-10:55-Reading Workshop

10:55-11:35-Specials- Schedule alternates between Gym, Music, and Art

11:45-12:30- Lunch/Recess

12:30-12:45- Read Aloud

12:45-1:00 -Spelling/Handwriting/Intervention

1:00-1:30-Science/Social Studies

1:30-2:45- Math

2:45-3:00- Clean-up

3:00- Dismissal

28 Aug

This was sent home today with students.  It has a lot of useful inofmration for you to help your child in mathematics.  We are beginning Unit 1 in math this week.  At the start of each unit, this type of Homelink will be sent home. 

Homelink 1.1

28 Aug

Back to School Night will be held this Thursday (8/30/12) from 5:30-7:30. Please come out to learn more about your child's education this year!

28 Aug

For the past two days our class has been working on classroom rules. The students heard a story about a monster that came to school. The monster was very bad! He threw things, pushed students, didn't share, yelled and laughed at students. After hearing the story the students came up with rules for the monster. We decided as a class that these rules were perfect for our classroom! The students made monster puppets and wrote their favorite rule. These will be in the hallway for display.

Our classroom rules:
1. Follow directions.
2. Be respectful.
3. Bullying is not allowed.
4. Fighting is not allowed.
 5. Keep hands to your self.

Please talk with your child about our rules and why they are important. Also, feel free to comment on this post about the conversations you had with your child!

27 Aug

27 Aug

Monday, August 27th, 2012.

Dear Families:

Welcome back to school! I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a BA in Elementary Education. I graduated from Appalachian State University with a MA in Reading Education. Last December I earned my National Board Certification. I previously taught first grade for 5 years in North Carolina. I moved back to Denver to be closer to my family last summer. This is my second year at Dora Moore.

I believe that all children learn differently. By using Howard Gardner’s learning styles (logical mathematical, spatial, linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and existential) I adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all students. Reading and Writing Workshop are taught based on what YOUR child needs. For instance, some students are working on forming letters, while other students are working on writing beginning, middle and end. Some students are at the very beginning stages of reading, while others are reading chapter books. I will work toward creating positive classroom atmosphere, where the students respect each other’s learning. They know and understand that you have to start at the first step to get to the top.

Your children receive the best education when you and our dedicated teachers work as a team. It's a parents enthusiasm, support and involvement that inspires children to do their best; and a teacher's ability to teach what they need to learn. Together we can achieve wonderful things. There's a lot of excitement ahead of us, including new books to read, new friends to meet and new skills to master...and I look forward to you sharing in those exciting times. One year your child's in 1st grade and seemingly in the blink of an eye they're in middle school, or in their senior year of high school for that matter. I encourage you to fully embrace the moment and urge you to take the time from your busy schedule to become familiar with our school, as well as create a homework-friendly home environment that will allow your children to excel.

 I also encourage you to come and volunteer in our class. Our classroom blog is Check it often for updates!

You may contact me at Dora Moore before or after school at (720) 424-5300. You may contact me on my cell phone before or after school at (336) 577-0315. My school email is

Thank you for your commitment to your child's education and I look forward to seeing you in the very near future.

Ms. Feinman
1st Grade Teacher, Dora Moore

27 Aug

These documents were sent home today. However, if you need to refer to them later, here they are! Please check your child's folder each night to see their behavior for the day. Click here for the behavior letter! Spanish Translation for Behavior letter

27 Aug